Precarryus is a collaboration between Tale Dolven and Igor Shyshko. The project started as a research supported by the Flemish ministry of culture and was developed into a performance during fall 2019. The project has two starting ideas: investigating the movement capacities of patients with the Guillain-Barré syndrome, and incorporating the poetry of Russian absurdist writer Daniil Kharms. The piece is produced by kunst/werk, Antwerp and is supported by the Norwegian Cultural Council, STUK, Leuven and RAS Sandnes.
Concept Tale Dolven and Igor Shyshko
Performed by Tale Dolven and Igor Shyshyko
Music Stine Janvin and Stian Westerhus
Sound Design Gabel Eiben
Light Design Caroline Mathieu
Costume Design Heide Vanderieck
Scenography Katleen Vinck
Dramaturgy Sara Jansen
Artistic advice Marc Vanrunxt
Production Kunst/Werk
Support Norwegian Cultural Council
Residencies STUK, Workspace Brussels, Tou Scene, Rosas